TransMIT-Projektbereich für Pflanzen-Metabolite und Chemikalien (PlantMetaChem - PMC)
Dr. Stefan Martens
c/o TransMIT GmbH
Kerkrader Straße 3
35394 Gießen
Telefon: +49 (1 72) 1 02 42 93
Telefax: +49 (64 22) 93 81 49
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Plant Metabolites and Chemicals for Research and Development
The Project Devision was founded in March 2005 within the TransMIT Gesellschaft für Technologietransfer (Gießen, Germany) initially under the name "Flavonoidforschung". In October 2010 the devision was renamed into "Plant Metabolites and Chemicals" to take into account the recent developments.
The Project Division PlantMetaChem (PMC) is based on the production of plant metabolites and chemicals such as pigments, flavonoids, phenolics and other natural compounds including various intermediates for research and development. Our products are used as chromatographic standards and test samples in different research and industrial areas (e.g., agriculture, life science, nutrition, pharmacology and medicine).
Furthermore, the R&D network at PMC focuses on developing new products to continuously increase the product and service portfolio.
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